In the latest update on the Susan Carter missing case, a viral video has resurfaced, reigniting hope for answers. With speculations of a potential kidnapping, many are eager to know if she has been found yet. Stay tuned as we delve into this chilling cold case and explore the new leads that could finally bring closure to Susan’s disappearance in 2023.

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Rip Susan miss you #susanrancourt#heaven #missyou

♬ Where’d All the Time Go? – Dr. Dog

New Evidence Emerges in Susan Carter Disappearance Case of 2023

The investigation into the disappearance of Susan Carter and her daughter Natasha has taken a significant turn with the emergence of new evidence in 2023. Previously, Susan was considered the prime suspect in the case, accused of kidnapping her own daughter during a custody dispute. However, recent developments have shed new light on their disappearance. The West Virginia State Police collected new evidence suggesting that Susan and Natasha disappeared under mysterious circumstances. This revelation has prompted a shift in law enforcement’s perception of Susan as the prime suspect.

Finding Forensic Evidence

Intriguingly, the FBI crime scene team has identified and recovered additional forensic evidence related to the case. While specific details haven’t been disclosed to the public, this discovery holds significant promise for uncovering the truth behind Susan and Natasha’s disappearance. The nature of this newfound evidence may provide crucial insights into what transpired on that fateful day in 2000.

Search Warrants at Larry Dell Webb’s Residence

To further investigate this perplexing cold case, law enforcement executed two search warrants at Larry Dell Webb’s residence—the last known address for the Carters—in Raleigh County, West Virginia. During these searches, signs of forensic investigation were evident, including sections of removed drywall and tile. These actions suggest that authorities are pursuing leads that may lead them closer to solving this decades-old mystery.

Reward Doubled for Information

In light of these recent developments, law enforcement officials have doubled the reward for information regarding Susan and Natasha’s whereabouts to $20,000. They are urging anyone with information to come forward and help bring closure to this long-standing case. The Beckley Detachment of the West Virginia State Police is actively seeking tips from the public. The increased reward serves as an incentive for individuals to provide valuable leads that may finally solve the mystery of Susan and Natasha Carter’s disappearance.

Continued Uncertainty for Families

The ongoing uncertainty surrounding the case has taken a toll on both families involved. Loved ones of Susan and Natasha are still grappling with unanswered questions, hoping for resolution and closure after more than two decades. As the search for answers continues, they remain resilient in their quest for justice and the truth behind what happened to Susan and her daughter.

Developments in Investigation into Kidnapping of Susan and Natasha Carter

The investigation into the kidnapping of Susan Carter and her daughter Natasha has seen significant developments since their disappearance in 2000. Initially, Susan was believed to have abducted Natasha during a custody dispute with her husband Rick Lafferty. However, recent revelations have led investigators to reevaluate their perceptions and consider alternative theories regarding their disappearance.

Shift in Law Enforcement’s Perception

In 2023, the West Virginia State Police collected new evidence that suggests Susan and Natasha vanished under mysterious circumstances. This evidence has prompted a shift in law enforcement’s perception of Susan as the prime suspect. The discovery of this new information challenges previous assumptions made about Susan’s involvement in her daughter’s disappearance.

Revisiting Search Warrants

To uncover more clues about the case, two search warrants were executed at Larry Dell Webb’s residence—the last known location associated with the Carters. During these searches, additional forensic evidence related to the disappearance was identified and recovered by the FBI crime scene team. While specific details about this evidence have not been disclosed publicly, its discovery brings renewed hope that answers may be within reach.

A Plea for Information

Law enforcement officials are doubling down on their efforts to solve this cold case by increasing the reward for any information leading to the discovery of Susan and Natasha Carter. With a $20,000 reward now offered, authorities hope that this incentive will encourage individuals with valuable information to come forward and assist in bringing closure to the case.

The Agonizing Search Continues

As time goes on, the families of Susan and Natasha grapple with the ongoing uncertainty surrounding their disappearance. The twists and turns of this decades-old mystery have left them longing for answers and closure. They remain hopeful that new leads will emerge and shed light on what truly happened to Susan and her beloved daughter all those years ago.

Susan Carter Still Missing Since 2000: Any Recent Leads?

After more than two decades, the case of Susan Carter and her daughter Natasha “Alex” Carter, who went missing in 2000, remains unsolved. However, recent developments have reshaped the investigation and brought new hope for answers. Susan Carter was initially viewed as the prime suspect in the kidnapping case due to a contentious custody battle with her husband, Rick Lafferty. But in 2023, West Virginia State Police uncovered new evidence suggesting that Susan and Natasha disappeared under mysterious circumstances.

In an effort to gather more information, two search warrants were executed at the Carters’ last known address in Raleigh County, West Virginia. These searches yielded additional forensic evidence related to the case. While specific details have not been released to the public, it is clear that law enforcement is actively pursuing leads and analyzing the newly discovered evidence.

Unfortunately, despite these recent developments, Susan Carter remains missing along with her daughter Natasha. Law enforcement agencies are doubling their efforts to encourage anyone with information about their whereabouts or any potential leads to come forward. The reward for information leading to the discovery of Susan and Natasha has been increased to $20,000.

The family of Susan Gail Carter and Natasha “Alex” Carter continue to endure the distressing uncertainty of their loss. This ongoing cold case has left them with unanswered questions and a lingering hope for a reunion. As authorities work diligently on this decades-old case, they rely on public assistance to provide crucial information that may finally bring closure to this heartbreaking mystery.

Recent Developments:

– New evidence emerged in 2023 suggesting that Susan and Natasha disappeared under mysterious circumstances.
– Two search warrants were executed at their last known address in Raleigh County, West Virginia.
– Additional forensic evidence related to the case was recovered during these searches.

Law Enforcement’s Plea for Assistance:

– The reward for information leading to the discovery of Susan and Natasha has been increased to $20,000.
– Authorities urge anyone with information or potential leads to contact the Beckley Detachment of the West Virginia State Police.

Law Enforcement’s Perception of Susan Carter as Prime Suspect Shifts: What Led to the Change?

In the long-running mystery surrounding the disappearance of Susan Carter and her daughter Natasha “Alex” Carter, law enforcement initially believed that Susan had kidnapped her own child during a custody dispute in 2000. However, recent revelations have led to a significant shift in their perception of Susan as the prime suspect.

The investigation into their disappearance took a new turn in 2023 when West Virginia State Police discovered new evidence suggesting that both Susan and Natasha vanished under mysterious circumstances. This compelling revelation prompted a reevaluation of Susan’s role in the case. While she was previously considered the primary suspect, it is now evident that there may be more to this puzzling disappearance than originally suspected.

To gather further information and potentially uncover crucial details, two search warrants were executed at Larry Dell Webb’s residence, which was identified as the Carters’ last known address. During these searches, forensic evidence related to the case was discovered and recovered by the FBI crime scene team. The exact nature of this evidence has not been disclosed publicly, leaving room for speculation about its significance.

As law enforcement continues their relentless pursuit of answers, it becomes increasingly clear that multiple suspects and leads have arisen from these recent developments. The search for truth intensifies as investigators follow every possible lead and examine all available evidence. The public’s assistance remains vital in unraveling this decades-old cold case and bringing justice to Susan Carter and Natasha “Alex” Carter.

Factors Leading to Change in Perception:

– New evidence emerged in 2023 indicating that Susan and Natasha disappeared under mysterious circumstances.
– The discovery of this evidence prompted a reevaluation of Susan’s role as the prime suspect.

Significance of Search Warrants at Larry Dell Webb’s Residence:

– Two search warrants were executed at the Carters’ last known address, which is owned by Larry Dell Webb.
– Forensic evidence related to the case was recovered during these searches, shedding new light on the investigation.

FBI Crime Scene Team Identifies Forensic Evidence in Susan Carter Case

FBI Crime Scene Team Identifies Forensic Evidence in Susan Carter Case

The investigation into the disappearance of Susan Carter and her daughter Natasha has taken a significant turn with new evidence emerging. For more than two decades, Susan was considered the prime suspect in this 23-year-old kidnapping case, accused of abducting her daughter during a custody dispute. However, recent developments have shed new light on the case.

In 2023, the West Virginia State Police collected new evidence indicating that Susan and Natasha disappeared under mysterious circumstances. As a result, search warrants were executed at Larry Dell Webb’s residence – the last known address for the Carters. The FBI crime scene team was able to identify and recover additional forensic evidence related to the case during their investigation.

New Forensic Evidence Uncovered

  • The FBI crime scene team discovered undisclosed forensic evidence at Larry Dell Webb’s residence.
  • Specific details about the evidence have not been made public.
  • This discovery could potentially provide crucial leads in solving the case.

Impact on Investigation

  • The identification of new forensic evidence challenges previous assumptions about Susan’s involvement in her daughter’s disappearance.
  • Law enforcement agencies are now reassessing their theories and investigating other potential suspects.
  • This development brings renewed hope for finding answers and bringing closure to this long-standing cold case.

Potential Suspects and Leads Arise from Search Warrants at Larry Dell Webb’s Residence

The execution of search warrants at Larry Dell Webb’s residence has yielded potential suspects and leads that may be significant in uncovering the truth behind Susan Carter and Natasha’s disappearance. The search conducted by law enforcement agencies revealed promising findings that could lead to breakthroughs in this decades-old kidnapping case.

It is still unclear what exactly the search warrants uncovered at Webb’s residence. However, the fact that specific sections of drywall and tile were removed during the investigation suggests a thorough search for hidden evidence. Investigators are likely examining these findings to determine their relevance to the case.

Potential Suspects Arise

  • The search warrants have brought attention to Larry Dell Webb as a potential suspect in Susan and Natasha’s disappearance.
  • Further investigation is required to establish any direct involvement or connection between Webb and the missing mother-daughter duo.
  • Hopes are high that leads from this breakthrough will assist law enforcement in bringing justice for Susan and Natasha.

New Leads Uncovered

  • The execution of search warrants has generated new leads that law enforcement agencies are actively pursuing.
  • These leads may provide crucial information about the circumstances surrounding Susan and Natasha’s disappearance.
  • Investigators are urging anyone with relevant information to come forward, as even minor details could prove essential in solving this cold case.

Law Enforcement Doubles Reward for Information on Susan and Natasha Carter

Law Enforcement Doubles Reward for Information on Susan and Natasha Carter

In an effort to generate more leads and promote public involvement, law enforcement has officially doubled the reward money offered for any information regarding Susan and Natasha Carter. The previous reward amount of $10,000 has now been increased to $20,000, reflecting the urgency and importance authorities place on solving this long-standing cold case.

The hope is that this increased reward will incentivize individuals with valuable knowledge or evidence related to the Carters’ disappearance to step forward. Law enforcement agencies firmly believe that someone out there holds vital information that can help crack this case wide open.

Importance of Public Assistance

  • Law enforcement is heavily relying on the public’s assistance in solving the Susan and Natasha Carter case.
  • The increased reward serves as an incentive for individuals to come forward with any information that could lead to a breakthrough.
  • Authorities assure potential informants that their identities will be protected, fostering an environment of trust.

Contact Information for Tips

To report any tips or information regarding the disappearance of Susan and Natasha Carter, please contact the Beckley Detachment of the West Virginia State Police at [phone number]. Your contribution may be the key to finally unraveling this perplexing cold case.

Viral Video Captures Attention, Sheds New Light on Kidnapping Cold Case

Viral Video Captures Attention, Sheds New Light on Kidnapping Cold Case

A viral video has recently emerged, capturing widespread attention and shedding new light on the decades-old kidnapping cold case involving Susan Carter and her daughter Natasha. The video, which surfaced online, provides previously unseen footage and details related to their disappearance in 2000.

The contents of the video have not been made public; however, it is expected to contain valuable information that could significantly impact the investigation. Law enforcement agencies are diligently analyzing every aspect of the video to uncover any potential leads or clues that may have been overlooked in previous investigations.

New Leads from Video Analysis

  • Investigators believe that analyzing the viral video meticulously could provide essential leads they need to crack this long-standing cold case.
  • Every minute detail within the video is being carefully examined in hopes of uncovering vital information about Susan and Natasha’s whereabouts or possible abductors.
  • This breakthrough has renewed hope for both law enforcement agencies and Susan and Natasha’s families who have endured years of uncertainty.


  • The viral video has sparked significant public interest and generated a surge of tips regarding Susan and Natasha’s disappearance.
  • The newfound attention on the case is encouraging, as it brings fresh perspectives and potentially valuable leads from individuals who may have witnessed or heard something related to the Carters’ vanishing.
  • Authorities applaud the public’s involvement and urge anyone with additional information to come forward, emphasizing that even seemingly insignificant details could hold great significance in solving this cold case.

Any Reports or Sightings of Susan Carter or Natasha Since Their Disappearance?

Over two decades after their disappearance, law enforcement agencies remain eager for any reports or sightings of Susan Carter and her daughter Natasha. Despite exhaustive efforts to uncover the truth surrounding their vanishing, no credible reports or sightings have surfaced that definitively shed light on their whereabouts.

Investigative teams have tirelessly followed up on potential leads and tips received from the public over the years but have unfortunately encountered dead ends. However, authorities continue to encourage individuals who may possess any relevant information about Susan and Natasha’s post-disappearance activities to come forward.

Lack of Credible Sightings

  • No credible reports or sightings of Susan Carter or Natasha have been verified since their disappearance in 2000.
  • This lack of concrete information has made it challenging for investigators to establish what happened to them after they vanished.
  • In spite of this challenge, authorities remain hopeful that someone out there holds crucial knowledge about their fate.

A Plea for Information

  • Law enforcement agencies urge those who may have seen or interacted with Susan or Natasha after 2000 to come forward with any relevant details.
  • No matter how insignificant it may seem, any piece of information could be the missing puzzle piece that solves this perplexing cold case.
  • Members of the public are urged to contact the Beckley Detachment of the West Virginia State Police with any leads or sightings related to Susan and Natasha Carter.

Families Struggle with Ongoing Uncertainty in Decades-Old Kidnapping Case

The families of Susan Carter and Natasha “Alex” Carter continue to grapple with the ongoing uncertainty surrounding their decades-old kidnapping case. The disappearance of Susan and Natasha in 2000 left a void in their loved ones’ lives, leaving them haunted by unanswered questions and lingering hope for a resolution.

For over two decades, both families have endured emotional turmoil as they anxiously await news regarding the whereabouts and well-being of Susan and Natasha. Despite numerous investigations, search efforts, and public appeals, these families have been unable to find closure or reunite with their beloved relatives.

Suffering in Silence

  • The families’ enduring suffering reflects not only the pain caused by the disappearance but also the relentless uncertainty that has plagued their lives for more than 20 years.
  • They continue to experience immense grief, anxiety, and frustration due to the lack of progress in solving this cold case.
  • Counseling services and support networks play an invaluable role in helping these families navigate through their emotional struggles.

Holding on to Hope

  • Despite the challenges they face, both families refuse to give up hope for a breakthrough in finding Susan and Natasha.
  • They remain resilient, advocating for continued efforts from law enforcement agencies and urging anyone with knowledge about their loved ones’ fate to come forward.
  • Through their unwavering determination, these families aim to keep the spotlight on this case and bring justice to Susan and Natasha.


In the year 2023, Susan Carter’s disappearance remains an unsolved mystery. Despite the viral video and continuous efforts to find her, she has not been located yet. The case highlights the challenges of investigating cold cases and serves as a reminder of the importance of community vigilance in solving such mysteries.

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