The La Quinta Museum provides a singular opportunity to explore the story of Horatio Cooke, a soldier, spy, and magician. 

His writings and belongings have been compiled as part of the “Lincoln’s Scout: The Diary of Horatio Cooke: Soldier, Spy, Escape Artist” exhibition, ensuring that his dramatic life will be remembered well into the future. 

The exhibition features intrigue from his life as a Civil War fighter and his fascination with Harry Houdini-style magic tricks and escapology. 

As such it is one of the few places in Coachella Valley to delve into 19th-century history through the eyes of someone who lived it. 

The exhibition will be open until December 31st and museum director Sharla Fox encourages visitors not to miss this unique opportunity.

Harry Houdini was widely renowned for his awe-inspiring magical abilities and was widely considered to be among the greatest magicians of his time. 

His career in magic began at a young age, though it was not until much later that he gained recognition across the world. 

He had been performing his signature escape acts since October 31, 1926 – tragically, the same day as his untimely death in Detroit, Michigan at 52 due to an acute inflammation caused by a ruptured appendix. 

Since then, stories surrounding his life and feats have become the subject of many books and films. 

In 1904, having already achieved international fame and financial success, Houdini returned to America triumphant and with few adversaries. 

On one occasion, he had even sued a French policeman claiming that he had used bribery to make his escapes – which he ultimately won. Thus ended a remarkable career filled with daring acts and grand showmanship that continued up until the very end.

Harry Houdini’s return to the American stage brought audiences a renewed sense of excitement for his performances. His act developed into something much more complex and daring than ever before as this masterful showman began attempting to break out from prisons and restraints in full view of the audience. 

Even though fellow magicians typically kept trick methods as closely-guarded secrets, his 1909 book Handcuff Secrets gave away some escape techniques that he had cultivated to become the world-renowned escape artist he is remembered as today.

About Bess Houdini, Harry Houdini Wife

Bess Houdini, born Beatrice, was an American stage assistant and wife of Harry Houdini, who hailed from a sizeable german-speaking family of Brooklyn, New York. 

She began her career in her teens working at Coney Island with her song and dance known as The Floral Sisters, in addition to working alongside Hourdi’s brother Dash (Theo Hardeen). 

It was not long before she met Harry himself and they were able to enjoy a beautiful love story that lasted a lifetime. 

They went on to work together as The Houdinis for several years until Harry later gained international attention as The Handcuff King. 

With Bess by his side the whole time, it was clear that this was the perfect partner for Harry throughout his life.

Beatrice and Harry, a 20th-century couple who got married on June 22, 1894, were known to lead a vibrant life together. 

Beyond their fondness for drinking and smoking, Beatrice was known for her collection of wild animals, her menagerie of pets, and her habit of collecting dolls. 

She was devoted to helping her husband prepare for his evening shows by ensuring he had clean ears and was dressed to impress. 

However, this fairytale life took a somber turn after Harry’s death when Bessie had to face financial difficulties as well as exploitative journalists keen on exploiting her story. 

Despite her money struggles after her beloved companion’s death, the couple transcended into history for having lived an extraordinary love affair.

Bess Houdini took a hiatus from stage performances after the death of her husband, Harry Houdin, in 1926. 

A few years later, she met Edward Saint and he became her colleague and manager, although sources suggest that they were secretly married – a fact that she never publicly revealed. 

Later on, the pair moved to Los Angeles, where Bess appeared as herself in 1938’s Religious Racketeers, directed by Frank O’Conner and produced by Fanchon Royer. 

While Harry starred in five movies during his Hollywood career, Bess only ever made one appearance on the silver screen. 

Her last public appearance was at a magic convention shortly before her passing onboard a train in Needles, California, on February 11, 1943. She is laid to rest at Gate of Heaven Cemetery in Hawthorne, NY.

Following her husband’s untimely death, Harry Houdini, Bess Reagan transformed her role in society and became a renowned businesswoman. 

In 1905, she opened Mrs.Harry Houdini’s in New York City, a popular tea room frequented by magicians and celebrities alike. 

At that time, a tea room was more akin to an establishment where one could enjoy a night out surrounded by entertainment rather than just a beverage – so it was no surprise that Bess often hosted wild parties that went past the wee hours of the morning. 

Although Bess wished to have children of her own, fate had other plans for her; instead, she and Harry considered their beloved dogs part of their family.
