Infiesto begins right around the time when Spain made its first public lockdown announcement, and our main characters are already dealing with the effects of the virus in their own lives.

Inspector Samuel Garcia (Isak Férriz) is prohibited from visiting his mother, who is confined to a nursing facility, and Deputy Inspector Marta Castro’s (Iria del Rio) lover is infected and is deteriorating over time.

Garcia is unable to see his mother because of the infection.

Also Read: Infiesto (Netflix): Who Is The Prophet? Is He The Actual Serial Killer? Know More Details

Infiesto (Netlix): Who Killed Samuel García?

Samuel and Castro learn that the guy who is known as the Prophet is the mastermind behind the kidnappings, including the abduction of Saioa.

Samuel and Castro also learn that the Prophet is responsible for the kidnapping of Saioa.

Samuel fires a revolver at the Demon’s leg and comes dangerously close to killing him in an effort to discover the true name of the Prophet; nevertheless, the accomplice is successful in keeping the name a secret.

Even though the inspector was disciplined for harming the criminal who was being held in custody, he continued his search for the person who had kidnapped and murdered the victim.

Samuel then becomes aware of the school photograph that features Manuel and the Demon. He notes that a teacher is wearing a straw doll, a ceremonial item that was discovered in multiple sites related with Saioa’s abduction.

Samuel goes on a mission to discover the identity of the instructor and runs across Agent Ramos, who is the one who discovered Saioa and brought her to the hospital together with his partner.

Samuel decides to take up the offer, not thinking that Agent Ramos is actually the Prophet. As a result, he winds up at the home of the serial killer.

Castro puts all of the pieces together and comes to the conclusion that Agent Ramos is the Prophet. She contacts Samuel to inform him of the situation, but Ramos shoots him dead before he can fire at the serial killer.

She is terrified. If Castro had been able to communicate to Lidia a few minutes before she actually did, Samuel could have been able to avoid certain death and save his own life.

The inspector had his first encounter with Lidia a few days before Samuel’s passing as she acts suspiciously while standing close to the office building where the inspector works.

Additionally, if it hadn’t taken around a week for Nogueira to notice Saioa’s mark, Samuel and Castro might have been able to communicate to Lidia much earlier and together.

This is because it would have been possible for them to do so simultaneously. It’s possible that they already had the serial killer in custody days before Samuel ran into Ramos as he was looking for the man pictured in the photograph.

It is possible that Ramos’s relationship of trust with the two inspectors was a contributing factor in Samuel’s demise, especially given that he allowed Saioa to be admitted to the hospital.

He expresses his desire and dedication to assist the inspectors, which may have prompted Samuel to proceed with the serial murderer to the serial killer’s house without waiting for Castro, which ultimately leads to the death of the inspector. He also expresses his willingness to assist the inspectors.

Isak Férriz Played The Role Of Samuel García

Although Férriz was born in Andorra la Vella on June 20, 1979, his parents were from the neighborhood of Gràcia in Barcelona, which he frequently visited when he was a child. Férriz’s birthday is June 20.

He moved to Barcelona when he was 18 years old and enrolled in the acting school run by Nancy Tuón there. Prior to that, he had resided in Andorra.

His first appearance on television was in an episode of the series Laberint d’ombres, which was broadcast on the public television station in Catalonia.

He was cast in teen comedies and dramas including “Al salir de clase,” “Companeros,” and “Fisica o Qumica,” as well as the Catalan soap opera “Ventdelplà.”

In the television miniseries Serrallonga from 2008, he played the role of the main character, a bandit from the 17th century named Serrallonga.

In the daily television series Bandolera, he played the role of Roberto Pérez, a day laborer who was involved in a love triangle with the other two main characters.

After acting as the merciless Daniel Guerrero in the crime drama series Gigantes (2018–2019) on Movistar+, Férriz renewed his cooperation with director Enrique Urbizu in the film Libertad, in which he is scheduled to portray a bandit once more.

Later on in the year 2020, Férriz began her role as a cast member in the fantasy thriller series Feria, which is produced by Netflix.

Férriz is best known for his work as an actor, but he also has experience working behind the camera as a filmmaker.

Also Read: Infiesto (Netflix): Ending Explained, Who Kidnapped Saioa And Others? Theme Analysis

Infiesto (Netlix): What Happened At The End?

Samuel and Marta find out throughout the course of their interrogation of the second suspect, who they refer to as Demon, that he and the first suspect, who they refer to as Dog Killer, were only carrying out the orders of a third kidnapper who is known as The Prophet.

It is revealed that the three druid-lovin’ criminals have been sacrificing teenagers every three months for at least a couple of years, and Saioa only escaped because Dog Killer got soft on her and let her out to get some fresh air.

It is also revealed that the three druid-lovin’ criminals have been sacrificing teenagers every three months for at least a couple of years.

The Demon’s justification for the murders doesn’t make a whole lot of sense because, on the one hand, he claims that they were doing it to appease a god, and on the other hand, he claims to know for a fact that the end of the world is coming soon.

Both of these explanations are contradictory to each other. The question of why they would offer the lives of children if they knew the end of the world was coming cannot be answered.

Samuel finds out the next day that his mother died of complications related to Covid the following day after his conversation with The Demon.

To make matters even more difficult, Samuel, who has recently lost his wife, is called to the site of a murder, where it is revealed that The Prophet abducted a young nurse in order to carry out the spring sacrifice.

Samuel and Marta free Demon from police prison, transport him to the location of his previous crimes, and then inquire the Prophet’s name in a nice manner. Neither of them are thinking clearly at this point.

When I say “politely,” I mean that Samuel kills the man by torturing him with a plastic bag and beating him until he is unconscious before shooting him in the kneecap.

Samuel is ready to carry out the execution of Demon in a fit of wrath when he is stopped by the police commissioner, who then immediately places him on administrative leave without pay.

Infiesto (Netlix): Plot Summary

The plot of the recently released Spanish film titled “Infiesto” takes place in March of the year 2020.

At that time, a young woman who had been missing for a few months is found in a little mining village in the highlands of Asturia, and two investigators are called there to examine the case.

As the investigation continues, the detectives quickly come to the realization that the virus may not be the only malevolent power at work as the globe begins to fall apart.

The plot develops as two investigators, Samuel Garcia (Isak Férriz) and Castro (Iria del Ro), are shown going through a tense inquiry that ultimately causes them to become victims of “high power.” This is how the story is told.

Because the events of the novel take place in a very small town, the population of the region that is being monitored consists of people who are fairly familiar with one another, which in the end makes it easier to solve the mystery.

The path to success, however, appears to be extremely treacherous, and as a result, our two protagonists face a lot of challenges.

Read More: Infiesto (Netflix): Is The New Crime-Thriller Movie Based On Reality? Filming Locations Explored!
