Cole Fitzgerald Death – After a valiant 18-month fight with cancer, 19-year-old Cole Patrick “Fightin” Fitzgerald died away quietly at home on December 15, 2023, with his beloved family by his side. Sacred brother of Maggie and Maeve Fitzgerald, beloved offspring of William and Keren (née Jacobson) Fitzgerald. William and Mary Fitzgerald; Patricia and Lee Jacobson’s grandson. He was a beloved nephew to many, including Susan and Daniel Vicario, Scott and Lisa Fitzgerald, Thomas Jacobson, Denise Vicario, and Erin and Steven Pimpinella. Ava, Alexandra Pimpinella, Gabriella Mesulam, and Kaya Mesulam are all cherished cousins. He will miss spending time with his best friend Andrew Seagreaves watching Phillies and Eagles games.

Cole attended Washington Township High School and graduated with honors in 2022. He spent four years as WTHS’s coaching assistant and was also involved with Washington Township Youth Football as a student assistant. Cole Fitzgerald was so dedicated to and supportive of the youth and high school football programs that he had two annual honors named after him: the Cole Fitzgerald Most Inspirational Player Award. He was a student at Bunker Hill Middle School when he won the first-ever People’s Choice Award for his optimistic outlook and determination in the face of adversity. He had a number of disabilities and had survived Stage 4 Neuroblastoma, a form of pediatric cancer.

Thanks to a wonderful scholarship, Cole was able to attend Temple University, the D1 football school of his dreams. After finishing high school in June 2022, he began working as an incoming freshman on the Temple Owls’ equipment staff, a position he relished until August of that year, when he received the devastating news that he had Metastatic Pancreatoblastoma. He maintained a 3.5 GPA while enrolled full-time at Temple University during his therapy.

From the time he was six years old, Cole and his family were dedicated members of Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation, where Cole served as a Student Leader Ambassador. He and his family dedicated a significant portion of his life to advocating for the importance of supporting research into childhood cancer, speaking to sponsors, and raising awareness. Cole has shared his story and encouraged others to donate on CBS3’s Alex’s Lemonade Telethon with his family for the past nine years.

As a diligent student, Cole worked his way up to a black belt in kickboxing when he was eleven years old. While a student at WTHS, Cole was inducted into the National Honor Society and served for four years on the Executive Class Council. With a smile on his face, he conquered every challenge that came his way. He aspired to be a full-time professional coach and was more knowledgeable about football tactics than any NFL coach.

After his victorious struggle with cancer at age 3, he never again complained about the cause. Knowing Cole was loving him, even though all of his accomplishments are remarkable for a young man. Cole never changed his genuine character and was friendly to everyone he met. He had a fantastic sense of humor, enjoyed chit-chatting, and was eager to express his enthusiasm for football and WWE/AEW wrestling.
